How To Print A Manual Invoice In Sap


This blog post describes the procedure to display the payment due date on the output form of the manual invoice for Singapore. This extension scenario can be implemented using the Adobe LiveCycle Designer and Maintain Form templates App of SAP S/4HANA Cloud.

Hi, I need to print & save PDF in one stretch, pdf need to be saved individually (one by one). Using VF31 i am able to see all the invoices required but when i am going to print previe i am able, Mass Printing of Invoice PDF, SD (Sales and Distribution) Forum.

Create invoice in sap


  1. From within SAP on Citrix: (Need link here to article about using Citrix. I don't think we have a finished one yet.) Select Print in SAPgui. In the print settings, Leave the output device as%FE1. Set the Frontend printer to: ClientATHENA-username-n0eik#Mac Printer; This should bring up the Mac OS print system for your local machine.
  2. Invoices can be reconciled with a combination of automatic and manual processing. The automatic reconciliation phase matches invoices to orders or contracts within tolerances defined in your configuration, and refers unresolved issues to users for manual reconciliation.
  3. Invoice Split due to Manual Invoice Maintenance Check on Sales Order. Manual invoice maintenance check on SAP sales order item Billing tab causes invoice split on SAP systems which causes related item to be placed into a different sales billing document from others with 'Manual invoice maintenance' values are empty.

Sap Print Invoices To Pdf

The scope of this extension is limited to SAP S/4HANA Cloud core financials only and does not cover customer invoices created from other modules like FICA, RE_FX, etc. This extension scenario is applicable to manual invoices and does not support other customer invoices posted using background jobs, EDI, etc. The scenario described below is relevant for Create Outgoing Invoice App and it’s related PDF form. This does not cover any electronic files like XML, CSV format.


You have administrative access to SAP S/4HANA Cloud and have implementation experience on the system. This extension requires knowledge of working with Adobe LiveCycle Designer and FormCalc scripting language.

Localization Challenge

When a manual invoice is posted, the due date is computed automatically. The standard system does not provide a BAdI to read the automatically computed due date. However, a company may want to display the due date on the invoice form, which is sent across to their customer.

Solution Approach

The solution approach here is to compute the Due Date using the Payment Term and the Baseline Date, and display the same using a custom form template.


When implementing this solution there may be situations wherein the payment due date communicated to the customer is different from the one captured in the system. Such a scenario may cause audit and compliance issues since the payment date in the system is earlier than what is communicated to the customer.

For example, the due date captured in the system during invoice posting is 30th March and the due date computed using baseline date and payment term is 5th April. In such a scenario, there is a delay in receiving the payment from the customer who might make the payment by the 5th of April and not 30th of March.

Since this is a custom logic implementation, it is at the discretion of the implementation partner to check the needs of its customers and provide the right implementation. SAP does not have a liability to support this custom implementation.


  1. Download the form template corresponding to the SG manual invoice using the Maintain Form Templates App and edit the same using Adobe LiveCycle Designer.
    • Create two hidden text fields and bind them to the BaselineDate and Zterm (payment term).
    • Create the Due Date text field, set the value to Calculated-Read Only and scripting language to FormCalc. Refer to the code sample captured in the code snippet below.
  2. Create a new customized form template to display the payment due date field on the invoice form.
    • Navigate to Maintain Form Templates App to create a custom template for the invoice for Singapore.
    • Provide the necessary details and the correct data source – FDP_J_1HKORDSG_SRV.
    • Upload the modified XDP file.
  3. Print the invoice form.
    • Navigate to Print Document Extracts App.
    • Select the custom form template with the modifications for the payment due date field.
    • Capture the other necessary information and execute the print program.
How To Print A Manual Invoice In Sap


With the above approach, the newly created Payment Due Date field should now be visible on the output form of the manual invoice. Though this is not a fully integrated solution, I believe this caters to address the problem faced by our partners and provides an automatic way of printing the Due Date on the manual invoice output form.

The company needs to pay its invoices in order to function properly. It also needs to record vendor invoices and payments in the accounting books and registers. SAP is a help here. Accounts Payable is an important part of SAP Finance. There are actually several ways how you can pay the invoice. But you need to have an invoice posted in SAP before paying it, don’t you?

Let’s look at the process of posting the invoice into SAP Finance. What are the options SAP gives you?

Enter manually in Finance

The most obvious way to post an invoice in SAP Finance is to do this manually. This is possibly the simplest way to process invoices. It works almost “out of the box” and requires minimal configuration. There is a range of transaction codes available, depending on the user preferences and company processes. Just a few of them:

  • FB60 – Enjoy-transaction for invoice posting
  • FV60 – Enjoy-transaction for invoice parking with future posting
  • F-43 – “classic” transaction for invoice posting
  • F-63 – “classic” transaction for invoice parking with future posting
  • FB01 – “Swiss knife” in SAP Finance

Process the Purchase Order

If your company uses Purchase order processing, then you may process the invoice against the previously raised Purchase order. It may require PO to be approved and or goods or services to be accepted. It depends on the processes of your company. The whole process of invoice entry through the Purchase order in SAP is called “Logistics Invoice Verification”.
There are 2 transactions you should remember in that area:

  • MIRO – Post the invoice
  • MIR7 – Park the invoice

Import IDOCs

IDOC, or intermediate document, is another method to enter vendor invoices into SAP. Of course, vendor invoice process is not the only application of this powerful tool called IDOC. SAP Expert has already mentioned another reason to employ IDOCs.
If you want to go this IDOC route, you need to think about the sources of your data. Several options are available here.

  1. Process invoices in other systems. It may be the case that you process your invoices in another system for operational purposes. Then, SAP only needs them for recording. In this case, you can build an interface.
  2. Receive from vendor. Your vendors may have implemented SAP or other IDOC-enabled ERP system. In this case, you can agree on the direct interface between two ERP systems. This avoids or minimizes manual operations. Even if your vendor cannot produce IDOCs per se, they may wish to send you XML or other type of files with invoice data. In this case, use SAP PI to transform this file into IDOC. Moreover, some countries in Latin America make this e-invoicing approach mandatory.
  3. Create in your own system. It may not be truly vendor invoice, but some internal processes can benefit from intra-ERP IDOC invoice processing. Just to name two examples: intercompany billing and Stock Transfer Orders (STO) in Retail.

In the case of IDOCs, you have two flavours of the process. They correspond to two types of invoice processing mentioned earlier: Finance and Logistics. Depending on your processes, your IDOC message type can be either FIDCCP02 or INVOIC02.

Third-party vendor invoice management software

There are several vendor invoice management (VIM) solutions available on the market. Just to name a couple, Readsoft and Esker.
These VIM solutions vary in the functionality they provide, but just to name a few cornerstones in AP invoice processing:

SAP FI - Post A Sales Invoice - Tutorialspoint

How to print a manual invoice in sap document

How To Print A Manual Invoice In Sap Document

  • Scan the paper document
  • Optically archive the image
  • Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
  • Manually verify OCR versus stored image
  • Map data between OCR and SAP fields
  • Initiate approval cycle
  • Post invoice into SAP

Similar to IDOCs, these solutions support both Finance and Logistics ways to process invoices.

See Full List On

With this variety of ways to process invoices, it is no wonder that many companies use a combination of them in their systems. Which ones are in use in your SAP implementation?

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